With the Pro-Mark Grip Peddler, you can pad your bass drum or hi-hat pedal for maximum traction and comfort. Reduces shock, vibration, and fatigue. There's a Grip Peddler to fit nearly every drum pedal. The 206 model fits Tama, Gibraltar, Pulse and some Ludwig, Pacific, and Premier pedals.
Fits these Tama Pedals
- LHP900P Cobra
- HP900R Cobra
- HP900F Cobra
- HP200 Cobra Jr.
- HP35 Camco
- HP10 Beginner
Fits these Gibraltar pedals:
- Prowler 5611
- Avenger 6611
- Intruder 9611DC
- Intruder 9611DD
- Intruder 9611SC
- Intruder 9611SD
Also fits Pulse pedals and some pedals by these manufacturers:
- Ludwig
- Pacific
- Premier